Autumn Lung and Respiratory Tract Care

As the Yang of the planet is decreasing and consolidating, our bodies are also moving into a lower energy output phase. The Lung and Large Intestine are the organs of the Fall and metal element. This explains the increase in upper respiratory tract infections during this time of year and informs preventative measures for how to support our lungs: the “delicate organ”. 

The flavor of the metal element is bitter. This flavor is not very prevalent in Western cuisine, but can be an easy way to support the Lungs during their season. Foods such as radicchio, arugula, dandelion greens, turmeric, grapefruit (include the inner pith), and green tea are some examples of easily accessible bitter flavored foods. In general, it is a good idea to cook food in the colder months to support a strong digestion. 

Other supplements for mobilizing the immune system and supporting the lung are 

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin A

  • D3

Foods that are high in these nutrients are citrus, orange colored root veggies (such as carrots, yams, and beets), shellfish, beans, nuts, and whole grains. 

Other tips for home remedies to ease an upper respiratory infection are

  • Neti pot - sinus irrigation (with Neti salt and distilled water)

  • Gargling with warm salt water

  • Drinking soothing teas (such as throat coat)

  • Staying warm and RESTING

It’s always harder to take care of yourself once you are already sick, so best to be prepared and prevent

If you would like more information or to schedule a virtual herbal consult, please reach out directly to the clinic via email or phone call.  


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