The History of Auricular Acupuncture for Pain, Addiction and Stress Relief
Auricular Acupuncture Therapy for the Masses
Auricular Acupuncture (AA) is acupuncture specifically for the ear microsystem - a miniature model of the body contained in the ear. This is a foundational technique along with body acupuncture that has been in practice for over 3000 years. AA has been shown to reduce the sensation of pain, treat epilepsy, anxiety, obesity, and sleep disturbances (to name a few) by stimulating a neurological response. This increases parasympathetic tone (rest and digest), which increases immunity and decreases inflammation.
High on the list these days is its ability to treat addiction and curb cravings. In Lincoln City, 1970, as a response to the ongoing heroin addiction epidemic, the Black Panthers along with the Young Lords, a Puerto Rican group, came together to help their communities be more resilient and get the care they needed. With little help from the municipality, they developed an auricular acupuncture protocol based on traditional techniques as a part of a highly effective substance abuse program. That same protocol is commonly used today for anything from smoking cessation to emotional balance.
With the tool of AA, we can treat the whole body without having to take any clothing off. This is beneficial for a community acupuncture setting, even getting acupuncture while at the dentist. If you are interested in receiving auricular acupuncture or have more questions, don’t hesitate to contact the clinic.